Fallen #3 |
Rating: 2/5
Every single lifetime, I'll choose you. Just as you have always chosen me. Forever. Before Luce and Daniel met at Sword & Cross, before they fought the Immortals, they had already lived many lives. And so Luce, desperate to unlock the curse that condemns their love, must revisit her past incarnations in order to understand her fate. Each century, each life, holds a different clue. But Daniel is chasing her throughout the centuries before she has a chance to rewrite history. How many deaths can one true love endure? And can Luce and Daniel unlock their past in order to change their future?
I've given Passion a whole extra star becuase it seems Ms Kate finally went out and got writing lessons, Yay! This writing in this book was huge step above Fallen but with a lead who is still TSTL and plot holes the size of Australia it still has a ways to go.
There was actually a plot to this book, stuff actually happened and Ms Kate even did a decent job building up tenison and revealing a few things. I did actually enjoy the idea of Luce jumping through time to find the answers to her questions. There were even a few scenes that I particularly loved including the meeting of the angels in Greenland and finding out why Cam is the way he is. Unfortunately, it was brought down with constant reminders of the gaping plot holes. Firstly, when Luce enters a new time period she can miraculously speak the language Italian, French, Chinese, Mayan. WTF? Please explain. At some point in the first jump it seemed like she was trying to explain, something about her soul still being the same as the Luce in that time, but it fell short of being clear and making sense. Then there is the issue of Daniel. How did he change his appearance, it's not like Luce who dies and is reincarnated because he's immortal. Do angels have some special metamorphing ability? Nowhere in the book is this explained and moreover Luce doesn't even question it. The closest she came to it was 'why if Daniel looks different can I still recognise him?' which Bill replies 'you can tell from his soul'. O.....K. Right. But how does he look different! Then there was the whole Luce interfereing with the past. What I didn't get was why none of the angels that encountered present Luce didn't remember seeing her. I don't buy into the past is a blur shtick becuase surely the fact that everyone makes a big deal out of it would warrent being able to remember it. Or do they not remember because she had yet to go to the past at that point and her encounters with them never happened the first time round? This really needed more explanation, but I could just be nit-picking because Kim Falconer did an amazing job of this in Arrows of Time.
While it seemed that Ms Kate did a better job of doing her history homework (admitantly I do not know much about some of the specific events she talked about) she still couldn't get the angel mythology right. Let's break this down into a quick religion lesson. In the bible there are only three archangels: Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer. Lucifer was created first and was God's most trusted messenger, but he eventualled rebelled against God believing he would make a better king and for this he was forever cast out of Heaven into Hell. Now, other apocryphal books and historical documents make reference to seven angels. Seven angels - who may be the ones refered to in the other works - were also mentioned in Revelations, they were placed over the seven churches (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea) and carry out the seven judgments of earth. The Book of Enoch names these seven archangels as: Michael, Raphael, Zerachiel, Gabriel, Uriel, Remiel and Raguel (note some these names are different depending on the translation of the scripture). So while Ms Kate got the number of archangels right, eight seats with one left empty after Lucifer was banished, there is no mention of a Daniel.
While the plot got better the characters really didn't. Luce had her moments when I though she had finally gotten a brain but then she would do something stupid again, like keep trusting Bill even though from the start it was obvious he had nefarious intentions. She is still annoying as hell. Daniel didn't change either, in fact he kinda regressed. When he was following Luce there were times he was getting caught up in the past and forgetting about the present and the mission. At these times I wanted to slap him because it was all just so stupid and rediculous.
It didn't help that there was barely a mention of the other characters that I actually liked. Cam was a highlight whenever he turned up, but there was barely enough Miles to make it worth it. Bill was a bit of a svaing grace. At least he was interesting even if it was quite obvious from the start who he was. Sadly there were times I was rooting for him because Luce was acting TSTL.
Strangely enough I am actually looking forward to the final book in the series as Ms Kate ended it on a note that left me interested to see what happens. Hopefully it will be of an even better standard than this book.
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